Vertical Machining Centre – 3 axis (1016 x 508 x 508mm travel)
Vertical Machining Centre – 3 axis (508 x 508mm travel)
Vertical Machining Centre – 3 axis (762 x 508mm travel)
Vertical Machining Centre – 3 axis (660 x 406mm travel)
Vertical Machining Centre with 4th axis rotary unit (610 x 508mm travel)
High Torque Vertical Machining Centre with 4 axis (762 x 508mm travel)
XYZ Edge 3000 – 2 axis
2 axis Turning Centre + 1.5 metre Bar Feed (65mm Spindle bore)
3 axis Turning Centre + 1.5 metre Bar Feed (Live tooling + 65mm Bore)
3 axis Turning Centre + 1.5 metre Bar Feed (Live Tooling, 77mm Bore, 480mm max turn dia. 760mm max turn length) + 1.5 metre Bar Feed.
4 axis Turning Centre (Live Tooling, 77mm Bore, 480 max turn dia. 1200 max turn length)
3 axis Turning Centre (Live Tooling, 77mm Bore, 480 max turn dia. 760mm max turn length)
3 axis Turning Centre (Live Tooling, 81mm Bore, 410 max turn dia. 610mm max turn length)
VS 2500 Centre Lathe
Long bed Centre Lathe DRO (3” Bore)
2 axis CNC lathe 76mm Spindle bore – 2 machines
up to 16mm thick
Welding Machine (TIG, Stick)
(Coded welding BS EN 15614-1:2008)
Jasic JT-202D, 200 amp inverter TIG welding machine
Welding set
Welding Machine (TIG, Stick)
Pipe cutting/threading machine
4” Pipe cutting machine
3” dia. x 4 ft. long Power rolls